Question 1
What did you think Otherworlds was about, and why did you sign up? What do you hope to get from the course?
For an opportunity to explore the geography of the world from alternative perspectives, unusual angles and perhaps slightly obscure viewpoints step on board...
At 3:15 pm,
Anonymous said…
I thought otherworlds would look at geography and the issues in geographical history and research in a very different way than other units have done. I was hoping to get a new, and more intriguing view on the subject of geography.
At 3:19 pm,
Anonymous said…
I chose the course because i really enjoyed space, culture and society last year, i hoped that this course would have some similar aspects and would also possibly expand on some areas covered, such as pschogeography. i am hoping that the course's content will mean that i fond readings and coursework interesting and enjoyable.
At 1:58 pm,
igs007 said…
Week 1 was a solid start, pretty much what I expected, and thankfully not a million miles away from the SCS course last year. Providing we all leave the classroom (literally?!) behind and move from the conventional attitude towards other geog modules, we should be in for a fun ride.
I'm looking forward to the student presentations section in particular.
Any guest appearances from Michael Mayhew this time?!
At 7:53 pm,
Anonymous said…
I was curious what is what it would be about; the name caught my attention when I looked trough the handbook. I did one year of Art Academy and there I found out it was hard for me to look at things in a different way, I have the tendency to think only logical, almost in a mathematical way. Because of this I was interested how a lecturer at a University would approach this subject, if it will influence my straight way of thinking if it is discussed in an academically way instead of artistic.
At 3:46 pm,
Anonymous said…
Having enjoyed SCS last semester I thought Otherworlds would continue to look at Geography from a more interesting perspective than most courses here do - it's good to do something different!
At 8:51 pm,
Anonymous said…
We signed up after doing your second year course and finding very enjoyable. We were interested in this course because it enables us to question traditional geography and see the world through a different perspective. We hope to gain a deeper understanding of spaces which we interact with.
At 10:53 pm,
Anonymous said…
I decided on otherworlds because I thought it would be an interesting break / departure from traditional geography. The topics look interesting and hopefully will open my eyes to different kinds of thinking.
At 11:23 am,
Michael said…
Please no more Michael Mayhew!!! I thought that we were supposed to be thinking critically and responsibly about the world around us, not spouting unfounded drivvel based on grandiose assumptions about the way the world works. I really hope he doesnt make any apperences in this course.
Good second lecture but cant find the e-book
Sorry to all M.M fans
At 11:38 am,
Sara said…
Hi Michael - you're absolutely right - the ebook appears to have fallen into a black hole. Sorry about that. Watch this space and I will try to solve the problem.
At 12:17 pm,
Anonymous said…
After taking the SCS course last year, I like the idea of looking at geography from a different perspective. Questionning geographical concepts and delving deeper into the hows and whys through this unique course appeals to me.
At 4:35 pm,
Anonymous said…
I signed up to the course because i think it will offer me new experiences and something totally different to what i have studied before, maybe i'll even learn more about myself.
At 2:23 pm,
Anonymous said…
Alternative really appealed to me because I love those drunken nights where you look out into the sky and question to your friend "I wonder whats really out there in the universe", it seems like a module where you really think and question what your learning rather than being spoonfed. I'm also doing my dissertation on a new area of research so its helping the way i work on that aswell.
At 11:44 am,
Anonymous said…
I chose otherworlds because i wanted a different perspective on the way i look at Geography. I felt it would enable me to explore and question Geography and not just take everything for granted. The module seems fun and wakes you up on a Tuesday morning.
At 10:24 am,
Sara said…
Well I hope Otherworlds turns out to be a real Tuesday treat for you too!
At 12:29 pm,
Sparky1927 said…
I thought otherworlds was going to an extension to the Space, Culture and sopciety course which i did last year, maybe focusing more on the psychogeographical aspects. i hope to gain a further understanding of the increasing relevence of such aspects within geographial study.
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