Too Much Too Jung?

Having established that 61% of you are "life's administrators" I'm not entirely sure that you would have taken this morning's lecture in the spirit intended. But for the two of you willing to "give life an extra squeeze" I hope you enjoyed it. As for you "smooth talking persuader" and "life's natural leader", I'm sure you will both find application for the idea of archaic residues at some stage in your exciting journeys through life. And I myself will continue performing that "noble service to helping society" when I find out what it is...
I have been struggling with technical blog difficulties and an ear infection for a couple of weeks, so apologies for the lack of posting. Jeff is also struggling to make contact, but watch this space for a forthcoming posting and a request for feedback on your museum trips.
Today you have drifted through the library's texts on/by Jung and selected three that appealed to your 'type'. Tell us what they were (give the references - do a link for it you can) and what they said that might be useful to boost our geographic imagination. Make it a useful revision source for other readers...