Take us to another world...: or let's talk 'assessment'

Malcolm Gladwell,
The time has come to talk about assessment - and this assessment is all about you learning, and helping others to learn, by doing. I have posted some guidelines on the Shared Files. These are suitably vague and random to allow you to express yourselves pretty freely. As I said in the lecture, use your imagination, challenge us, stretch the intellectual and physical boundaries of geography, take us outside the classroom if you like - just don't get us arrested.
The world is your oyster, within certain practical limitations in terms of how far we can get from the centre of Manchester in a two hour slot. So I need you to let me know 'where' you are planning on leading your activity. In order to co-ordinate which groups lead which days, I need to choreograph locations appropriately.
So please use the comments facility here to give me your group number and the location you are proposing - by the end of Reading Week (i.e. 3 November).
At 8:01 pm,
Anonymous said…
Group: Craig Buckley, Rob Cruickshank, Tom France, and Grant Smith!
Think we'll more than likely be sticking to the lecture room and university campus, will let you know otherwise if we have some inspiration.
At 2:48 pm,
Anonymous said…
Names: Matthew Preston, Stephanie Jennings, Jennifer Howard, Charlotte Gaunt, Michael Harkins
Sorry it's late, all went home for reading week. Thinking about staying in lecture theatre or around uni campus.
At 11:53 am,
Anonymous said…
Group: Katie Hayes, James Riding and Ben Goddard
We'll be just using the lecture theatre i think.
At 12:33 pm,
Anonymous said…
Group 8: Amit Lakhani and sidrah Khan...University campus ..not decided an exact location yet!
At 12:39 pm,
Anonymous said…
Sophie Cade, Sascha Newton, Laura Elliott, Miranda. Lecture theatre or somewhere around campus.
At 1:18 pm,
Anonymous said…
Kimberley Vaulter, Samantha Hutchings, Matthew Lawrence, Sarah Harris and Sarah Robson. Should be centred around the lecture room or around the campus.
At 2:15 pm,
Anonymous said…
group 1 - claire baker, holly croxton, mark rollings, tim hancock. we will be in the lecture room - we think. probably lecture room. cheers. group uno
At 12:18 am,
Anonymous said…
sorry this is very late but i thought someone else had done it...
group: Philip Johnstone, Dave Vulvonavic, Ian Stevens, Anthony Brown, Andrew McGirr
location: in the little garden behind the contact theatre
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